Monday, November 28, 2011

The week before Thanksgiving was a busy and exciting week. We practiced for our upcoming Christmas Play, spent time with senior “giants,” met our new 5th grade buddies, attended chapel, and used the school’s new iTouch devices to practice skills.  Finally, on Friday the K4 students prepared our hearts for Thanksgiving by singing some great songs for us in the commons area.  On top of all of that excitement, we were able to praise God for keeping us all safe from the tornadoes on Wednesday. We had a lot of fun, safe and sound in the clubhouse (our safe place).
This time of year is busy schedule-wise, but for our students it is also busy academically! The students have learned so much over the last few months and I am thrilled to see the progress they have made. Below you will see a peek at our plans for this week.
Language Arts Skills:
    • High Frequency Words: practice and review We are working on our popcorn words (do, so, to, or....(you will get a list of these this week) 
    • Language/Writing Skills: action and weather words
    • Phonics focus: Kk; blending words with “-it” 
    • Comprehension skill focus: Fantasy and Realism
Handwriting Skills:
 Letter formation and number writing                       
spacing between words  
"one finger space"
Teen Numbers
Odd and Even Numbers, Counting to 100, Counting Groups of 10, Patterns on a 100s Chart, Skip Counting by 2 and 5
Social Science: Christmas/Christmas Play Practice (Please help your child practice their part.)
 They are doing amazing job!  

Bible - We will be focusing on Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas.   What a privilege it is to learn about and spend time reflecting on our Lord and Savior!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

             What is in the mystery bag?

On “Terrific Tuesday” someone left a mystery bag by the rocking chair with a note that said...”I will be back to share”.  We were so excited when Ms. Faulkner came back to reveal our surprise.....

We are so excited to incorporate this incredible tool in the classroom!  We will be using these in whole group and small group instruction. Hooray for "Terrific Tuesday" and our iPads!!

This week behind the blue door...
Language Arts:
*High Frequency Words - to, a, I, like, my, see, and, go, is
           at word family, an word family
*New Word - it, it word family
*Phonics Focus - Ll
*Blending short i words
*Teen numbers
Handwriting Skills:
*Letter formation
*Sentence building
*King Solomon   Scripture:  Proverbs 16:23b
*Target Truth - God wants us to have Godly character in our lives
Dates to Remember:
*Christmas Play practice starts  - Monday, November 14th
   (information was sent home Thursday in your child's blue folder)
*Thanksgiving Holidays - November 21st - 25th
*Kindergarten Christmas Play - December 7, 8 & 9 (parents day)

Monday, November 7, 2011


                             BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING
We are very excited to tell you about our class service project.  We will be participating in the Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Ministry.  Since many of you already participate in this ministry through your church, our goal is to put together two boxes (one boy and one girl) as a class.  Please send an appropriate item for the boxes by Wednesday, November 16th. The packed boxes will be sent out Thursday, November 17th.  If you do not participate through your church and would like to put a box together as a family, please let me know and I will send you the box.  Thank you so much for your help with this very special project.  What a blessing to be Gods hands and feet!

This week behind the blue door...

Language Arts:
*High Frequency Words - to, a, I , like, my, see, and, go, is,
           at word family, an word family
*Phonics Focus - Ff
*Blending short a words
*Describing Words
*Comprehension Skills:  categorize and classify
                                         concepts of print

*Comparing solid figures
*Flat surfaces of solid figures
*Making shapes from other shapes
*Same size, same shape

Handwriting Skills:
*Letter formation
*Sentence building

*Israel in the Desert  Exodus 15:23 - 16:36
*Target Truth - When we obey rules, we are also obeying God.