Friday, August 26, 2011

 We had a great week behind the blue door!  Enjoy the photos of a few of our reading rotations this week.  On "Fabulous Friday" we made marshmallow monsters with pretzels and marshmallows.  Our favorite part was eating them!! Have a wonderful weekend!


                                  MARSHMALLOW MONSTER MATH


This week behind the blue door...
Language Arts
*High Frequency Words: I, see
*Language/Writing Skills: singular and plural words
*Phonics focus: Rr
*Comprehension Skill Focus: Sequence of Events
*Position and Location
*Adam and Eve
*Memory Verse: "We must obey God." Acts 5:29

  Our first HOMEWORK assignment is in our blue folder.  Reinforce all of the expert writing suggestions on our homework page.
School Pictures are Wednesday, August 31.
We have two readers to share with you this weekend: "Brown Bear" and "I See".  Please read and return and we will keep them in our reading boxes at school.  It is so important to read with your child every night. Let them read to you or you read to them!  This is such a special  time of sharing books!
  We are really working on listening and following directions.  Our Target Truth in Bible this week told us that there is a time to work, a time to play and a time to rest!  Listening is key to success in the classroom. It is also so important for our neighbors to be able to think and do their work. 
Good listeners are great learners!! 
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Allen

Sunday, August 21, 2011

This week is going to be a marvelous and magnificent week.  We are going to be talking about the letter....Mm.  We will be graphing M & M's, painting our new friend Pete the cat, using marshmallows to discover position and location and water coloring fish.  Our Bible unit is on how God cares for His creation.
  We will continue using our behavior chart this week.  Treasure box will be on Friday (please continue sending inexpensive treasures for our box). Remember to take your child's papers out of their folder and return it each day.   Thank you for the great job you did returning books and folders.

This week behind the BLUE door...
*Identify the letter M, words that begin with M and writing M
*Exploring color words
*Beginning sounds
*Recognize the use of end punctuation
*High Frequency Word: see
*Describing words and naming words
*"In the Big Blue Sea"
*"What Do You Do Norbert Wu"
*"Caps of Many Colors"
*Position and location
*Math vocabulary- outside, inside, under, over, top, bottom, on, middle, after, before, left, right
Creation-Genesis 1:1-31

Fully Rely On God
Mrs. Allen

Sunday, August 14, 2011

August 15-19

 This week is going to be a super, sensational, splendid week.  We are going to be talking about the letter....Ss.  We will be sorting skittles, making spaghetti letters and numbers, guessing mystery items in our sack and estimating starbursts.  Our first Bible unit is on Creation and how God created the earth through His spoken word.
  We will begin using our behavior chart this week.  Treasure box will be on Friday (please send inexpensive treasures for our box). Remember to take your child's papers out of their folder and return it each day.  Our library day is Friday.  Please return library books by Thursday.  
  Thank you for all you do!  Your children are a blessing!
Fully Rely On God
Mrs. Allen

This week behind the blue door....
*Identify the letter S, words that begin with S and writing S
*Exploring color words
*Words that begin with the same sound
*Recognize the use of end punctuation
* High Frequency Word: I
*"What's My Favorite Color?"
*"I Went Walking"
*"Brown Bear Brown Bear"
*Sorting and Classifying
*Math vocabulary-same, different, sort, does not belong, sorting rule
Creation-Genesis 1:1

Wednesday, August 10, 2011



We had an amazing first day of school.  I am so blessed to have your sweet children in my room.  We spent some time getting to know each other and touring our school.  We visited our specialists and are so excited about beginning our regular routine tomorrow.  Thank you for your sweet notes and surprises but most of all for your prayers. I am very thankful for the family HE has created behind the blue door!  
Please note the following:
-Your child may need to bring a sweater or light jacket to keep 
  at school or in his/her backpack.  At times, our room may be
 - Remember to write a name in all personal items. 
 -School begins at 8:00 a.m.  The Kindergarten doors open at 
  7:30 with a teacher supervising, if you need to bring your child 
-lunchbunch begins tomorrow-remember to send your nap mats with 
your child's name on it
I am so excited to see my friends tomorrow.  If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
Mrs. Allen

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Open House

  • Open House and PTO night will be Monday, August 8th. We will meet in our room at 5:15 p.m. During this time I will tell you more about what to expect this year and you will have the opportunity to sign up for special events throughout the year. The general PTO meeting will begin in Willett Hall at 6 p.m.

  • Kindergarten supply boxes will be in the classroom at Open House on August 8th.

  • Looking forward to seeing you!