Monday, December 5, 2011

Tis the season....
The next two weeks will be full of Christmas fun as we focus on the birth of our Savior!  What a joy it is every day to watch as your children prepare to present their "heart gift" for Jesus.  The excitement is in the air and they are truly a precious example of how "Christmas isn't Christmas until it happens in your heart".
We will be centering our reading and math activities around "things that remind us of Christmas" and the incredible Christmas literature that we all love. 

*Manger-"The Stable Where Jesus Was Born"
-describing words
-high frequency words-go, here, is, to, it, see, like, my, and
-Journal writing-I can go here to see Jesus.
-Who was at the manger?

*Reindeer Fun-"Olive the Other Reindeer"
-Making Reindeer Sandwiches
-Reader-"Reindeer, Reindeer, What Do You See?
-Reindeer Art-Using shapes
-Reindeer Math

*Candy Cane-"The Legend of the Candy Cane"
-patterning with candy canes-candy cane ornaments and painting candy canes

*Christmas Tree-" The Tale of Three Trees
-ordinal numbers-Journal Writing
-sight word review

*Angels-"Alabaster's Song"
-summarizing, comprehension,
-angel math-counting by twos-problem solving
-angel art

*Stars-"The Christmas Star"
-countdown paper chain
-counting by 10's

Language Arts Skills:
    • New High Frequency Word: for
    • Language/Writing Skills: using opposites
    •  words with short i and short a
    • Comprehension skill focus: Text Organization and summarizing
Handwriting Skills: Dd, Mm, Nn, Review
Math: Larger Numbers (1 - 50): Look for a pattern, Sequence, Identify, Write, and Count

I am looking forward to seeing you Friday!  You are in for a special blessing!!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Christmas Calendar!!

Important Dates

  • Wednesday, December 7th, 9 a.m. -- K5 Christmas Play for LS
  • Thursday, December 8th, 9 a.m. -- K5 Christmas Play for MS/US
  • Friday, December 9th, 9 a.m. -- K5 Christmas Play for Parents
  • Monday, December 12th, leave at 8:45 -- Field Trip to Wadsworth Christmas Tree Farm
  • Tuesday, December 13th,  -- Polar Express Day (Wear your jammies)
  • Thursday, December 15th, 10:45. -- Class Christmas Party
  • Friday, December 16th -- Lower School Dismissal is 11:30 a.m.
  • December 19, 2011 - January 3, 2012 --
    Christmas Holidays
  • Wednesday, January 4th -- Students return from the holidays
  • Thursday, January 5th -- Progress Reports go home
  • Monday, January 16th -- Holiday

Monday, November 28, 2011

The week before Thanksgiving was a busy and exciting week. We practiced for our upcoming Christmas Play, spent time with senior “giants,” met our new 5th grade buddies, attended chapel, and used the school’s new iTouch devices to practice skills.  Finally, on Friday the K4 students prepared our hearts for Thanksgiving by singing some great songs for us in the commons area.  On top of all of that excitement, we were able to praise God for keeping us all safe from the tornadoes on Wednesday. We had a lot of fun, safe and sound in the clubhouse (our safe place).
This time of year is busy schedule-wise, but for our students it is also busy academically! The students have learned so much over the last few months and I am thrilled to see the progress they have made. Below you will see a peek at our plans for this week.
Language Arts Skills:
    • High Frequency Words: practice and review We are working on our popcorn words (do, so, to, or....(you will get a list of these this week) 
    • Language/Writing Skills: action and weather words
    • Phonics focus: Kk; blending words with “-it” 
    • Comprehension skill focus: Fantasy and Realism
Handwriting Skills:
 Letter formation and number writing                       
spacing between words  
"one finger space"
Teen Numbers
Odd and Even Numbers, Counting to 100, Counting Groups of 10, Patterns on a 100s Chart, Skip Counting by 2 and 5
Social Science: Christmas/Christmas Play Practice (Please help your child practice their part.)
 They are doing amazing job!  

Bible - We will be focusing on Jesus and the true meaning of Christmas.   What a privilege it is to learn about and spend time reflecting on our Lord and Savior!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

             What is in the mystery bag?

On “Terrific Tuesday” someone left a mystery bag by the rocking chair with a note that said...”I will be back to share”.  We were so excited when Ms. Faulkner came back to reveal our surprise.....

We are so excited to incorporate this incredible tool in the classroom!  We will be using these in whole group and small group instruction. Hooray for "Terrific Tuesday" and our iPads!!

This week behind the blue door...
Language Arts:
*High Frequency Words - to, a, I, like, my, see, and, go, is
           at word family, an word family
*New Word - it, it word family
*Phonics Focus - Ll
*Blending short i words
*Teen numbers
Handwriting Skills:
*Letter formation
*Sentence building
*King Solomon   Scripture:  Proverbs 16:23b
*Target Truth - God wants us to have Godly character in our lives
Dates to Remember:
*Christmas Play practice starts  - Monday, November 14th
   (information was sent home Thursday in your child's blue folder)
*Thanksgiving Holidays - November 21st - 25th
*Kindergarten Christmas Play - December 7, 8 & 9 (parents day)

Monday, November 7, 2011


                             BLESSED TO BE A BLESSING
We are very excited to tell you about our class service project.  We will be participating in the Operation Christmas Child Shoe Box Ministry.  Since many of you already participate in this ministry through your church, our goal is to put together two boxes (one boy and one girl) as a class.  Please send an appropriate item for the boxes by Wednesday, November 16th. The packed boxes will be sent out Thursday, November 17th.  If you do not participate through your church and would like to put a box together as a family, please let me know and I will send you the box.  Thank you so much for your help with this very special project.  What a blessing to be Gods hands and feet!

This week behind the blue door...

Language Arts:
*High Frequency Words - to, a, I , like, my, see, and, go, is,
           at word family, an word family
*Phonics Focus - Ff
*Blending short a words
*Describing Words
*Comprehension Skills:  categorize and classify
                                         concepts of print

*Comparing solid figures
*Flat surfaces of solid figures
*Making shapes from other shapes
*Same size, same shape

Handwriting Skills:
*Letter formation
*Sentence building

*Israel in the Desert  Exodus 15:23 - 16:36
*Target Truth - When we obey rules, we are also obeying God.


Monday, October 31, 2011


October 31 - November 4th

     I enjoyed meeting with you on Parent Conference Day. Thank you all for taking  time out of your busy schedule to come and visit with me.  Your children are absolutely amazing and I can see where they get it from.  Thank you again for your time and prayers.  Please know that I am always here if you have any questions or concerns.  Thankful for each of you!

This week behind the blue door...

Language Arts:
-High Frequency Words: go, is, vocabulary review
-Language/Writing Skills: describing words (adjectives)
-Phonics focus: /g/; short a words
-Comprehension skills: story structure

-Topic 7 - Geometry (shapes, comparing shape/size, symmetry, solid figures)

-Letters -Gg
Enjoy using this website to let your children make their own handwriting sheets for free! Click on the "Try Now" button. Next, click on the blank paper on the right hand side. Then, you are ready to type your own practice sheet!
Social Studies/Science: Fall/Pumpkins

-Let  your light shine!
-Moses in Egypt
-Scripture Reference: Genesis 39 - 46
Target Truths:
- God sees and knows everything that happens to us.
- Even when bad things seem bad, God will make it work for good.

Dates to remember:
Veterans Day Holiday - Friday, November 11th
Thanksgiving Holidays - November 21st - 25th

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Wildcats are the ...
       "stars of the week"!!!

This week behind the blue door...
*Phonics Focus-Pp, Gg
*New word-go
*Blending short a words
*Rhyming Words
*Continue -comparing numbers through 10
                  -number words
*New Lesson-making shapes from other shapes
*Moses and the Princess
*God is in charge
*John 15:1-I am the true vine; my Father is the gardener.

Sunday, October 16, 2011


"Thumbs Up", "A Round of Applause" and a "Few Fireworks" to my friends and their "Bag of Books" that came home Friday.  These books are theirs to keep at home.  I encourage you to make your own book boxes to store these books in.  These are books that they can read to you!  I am so proud of them!!  We decided that we could have a "bagillion" books by the end of the year.   Our new  books will come home in our ziploc bags. Remember to return these so that we can begin filling our book boxes back up.

The children are excited about our trip to the Pumpkin Patch next Tuesday.  Parents who are leaving from the school need to be there no later than 8:00 AM.  We will leave shortly after 8:00 o'clock.  Parents who are not coming to the school will need to meet our group at Dreamfield Farms at 8:45 AM. 
Report cards came home with your child Thursday, Oct. 13th.  We will discuss the report card at your parent conference on Oct. 28th.  

We have some very special guests this week...

October  17th - 21st

Language Arts:*New Word - and,
*High Frequency Words - to, a, I, like, my, see,
         at word family, an word family
*Phonics Focus - Pp
*Blending short a words
*Describing Words          
*Comprehension Skills - categorize and classify

Math:*Comparing numbers through 10
*Comparing numbers to 5 and to 10
*1 and 2 More and Fewer
*Number words

Bible :*Joseph and His New Coat Genesis 39 - 46
*Target Truth - God wants us to forgive others

Dates to Remember:*Field Trip to Dreamfield Farms Pumpkin Patch - Tuesday,  Oct. 18th
(There is no limit on chaperons, however, there is a $5 charge for each adult.  Student costs were included in the
activity fee.)
*Homecoming - Friday, October 21st (early dismissal at 11:30)
*Parent Conferences - Friday, October 28th (Holiday for children)


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

October  10th - 14th

Language Arts:*High Frequency Words - to, a, I, like, my, see,
         at word family, an word family

*Phonics Focus - Cc
*Blending short a words
*Action words           
*Comprehension Skills - cause and effect

Math:*Comparing numbers through 10
*Comparing numbers to 5 and to 10
*1 and 2 More and Fewer
*Number words

Handwriting Skills:*Letter formation
*Sentence building

Bible :*Joseph In Egypt  Genesis 39 - 46
*Target Truth - God wants us to forgive others

Dates to Remember:*Field Trip to Dreamfield Farms Pumpkin Patch - Tuesday,  Oct. 18th
(There is no limit on chaperons, however, there is a $5 charge for each adult.  Student costs were included in the
activity fee.)
*Homecoming - Friday, October 21st (early dismissal at 11:30)
*Parent Conferences - Friday, October 28th (Holiday for children)

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Report Card Skills

1st 9 Weeks
  • Participates in story discussion
  • Listens to story attentively
  • Recognizes sequence
  • Identifies capital and lower case letters s, m, r, t, n, b, t, h, v
  • Identifies sounds for s, m, r, t, n, b, t, h, v
  • Reads high frequency words: I, see, my, like, a
  • Reads and writes word family: at
  • Writes the letters s, m, r, t, n, b, h, v correctly
  • Participates in shared writing
  • Identifies color words
  • Identifies numbers 1 - 10
  • Writes numbers 1 - 10
  • Counts objects using one-to one correspondence
  • Counts to 25 
  • Counts to 100 by 10s
  • Sorts by size, shape, and/or color
  • Identifies and creates patterns
  • Demonstrates understanding of position and location words

Sunday, October 2, 2011

October 3-7

 We had a very special visit from Senora Hixon.  She is teaching us the days of the week in Spanish and is helping us learn the words to one of our favorite books, "Today is Monday".

This week behind the blue door...
*Letter Vv
*Using high frequency words in a sentence
(like, my, see, to, I, a)
*Comprehension Skills-Cause and Effect
*Developing oral language
*at words
*action words

*Continue 6-10
*one more, one less
*using manipulatives to discover different combinations to make numbers

*Jacob & Esau
*We are all beautifully and wonderfully made.  God made each person differently.
*Exploring thumbprints

Upcoming Dates:
-Columbus Day-October 10th
-Field Trip to the Pumpkin Patch-Oct. 18th

Sunday, September 25, 2011

             Nifty Neckties and Yummy Noodle Nests

 Fabulous Friday was filled with sorting, graphing and describing our "Nifty Neckties". We also made Noodle Nests to go along with our counting book "How Many Eggs".  We had some very special guests this week for Andrew's "Star of the Week".  Andrew surprised us with Nancy's italian ice as his share on Friday. We also had a surprise visit from Ms. Watson's senior class.  Our big buddies taught us about our bones.  Looking forward to many more science lessons. 

This week behind the blue door...

*Letter Hh
*High Frequency Words - I, see. my, like, a
*Position Words
*Words with short a
*Identify characters and setting in a story

*Phonics Library - "Nat At Bat"
*Journal Writing using high frequency words

*Reading, Writing, and Counting 6 -9
*Problem solving                                    
-We are doing a lot of activities usingmanipulatives.  Some days are just manipulative work and others are transferring to paper.

*Story of Abraham and Isaac Genesis 11:29-12:8
*Target Truths
   - Children are a gift from God
      - Each of us is special to God

Important Dates
*Columbus Day Holiday --Monday, October 10th
*Field trip to Dreamfield Farms Pumpkin Patch--Tuesday, October 18th (There is no limit on chaperones however there is a $5 charge for each adult -  Student costs were included in the Activity Fee.)

*Several readers are in the reading bag.  Please return when mastered. Readers are then placed in our reading box at school. * Please make sure that you read AR books at least three times before sending them back for an AR test.  Review the book and ask simple questions to ensure comprehension.
 *Continue to read with your child each night.
We are looking forward to a great week! 

Sunday, September 18, 2011

We had a "BEARY" good time with our bears!  Teddy Bear spend the night was full of counting, sorting and graphing fun!  We enjoyed a week of bear books especially "Goldilocks and the Three Bears".  We loved our smartboard "sorting things by size" game.  We went in to wake up our bears early Friday morning only to find that they had been up all night playing in our room.  Look for a special book in the snack bucket that journals where we found our bears.  We spent some time explaining our classroom rules to our bears and you will be happy to know that all of our bears kept their frog on the log!  We rewarded our bears with a teddy bear picnic and some playground fun!  It was a "Beary" good day!!

Enjoy the slideshow of our bears advetures...

This week behind the blue door...
 -High Frequency Words: I, my, see, like
 -Language/Writing Skills : *using order words to sequence       events (first, next, then, last)
                                              *comprehension strategies
                                              *drawing conclusions
-Handwriting Skills:  *letter review
                                   *checking the "expert"grip

Math:  Numeral 0 - 5
- More, Fewer, Same as
-1 or 2 more
-Problem solving - Make an organized list
-Review # words zero - five

Theme - My Family

Bible - The Tower of Babel

Friday is "Nifty Necktie Day"(borrow a tie from Dad)
We will be making Noodle Nests for the letter Nn

The Fall Festival will be held Friday 23rd, 2:00 -3:00. (Wristbands for all Kindergarteners were included in the Activity Fee) 

Friday, September 9, 2011

*Letter Bb
*High Frequency Words-I, see, my, like
*Family Words
*Identify characters and setting in a story
*”Three Little Bears”
*Journal Writing using high frequency words
*Numbers and Number Words 0-5
*Exploring different ways to show a number
*Story of Noah
Friday is Teddy Bear Picnic Day.  Our teddy bears will come to school on Thursday and spend the night at Trinity!  Fabulous Friday will be full of Gummy Bear sorting, teddy bear counting and graphing and journal writing about our bear’s adventure.
We will also be having “Brown Bag Share” next week.  Every day a different table will bringing something to share in a brown lunch bag.  Help my friends come up with clues so that we can guess what is in their brown bag.  I will send  the brown bag in their folders on their day.
Tuesday-red table
Wednesday-green/blue table
Thursday-yellow table
Have a wonderful weekend!!
Mrs. Allen

Thursday, September 1, 2011

September 6-9

                                WITH SHAPES


            AB PATTERNS




Behind the blue door...
Language Arts
*High Frequency Words
I, see, my
*Language/Writing Skills
Capitalize first word in a sentence, end sentences with punctuation
*Comprehension-story structure, characters, setting
*Patterns- AB, ABB, ABC
*Cain and Abel
*"Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right." Eph 6:1
Important Dates:
*Labor Day Holiday-September 5
*Fall Festival-September 23, 2-3
*Pumpkin Patch Field Trip-Tuesday, October 18th ($5 charge per adult.  Students costs were included in the Activity Fee.